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Empowering Workforce Development with the Australian Skills Guarantee

Introducing a bold new initiative, the Australian Government proudly presents the Skills Guarantee, designed to revolutionise workforce development and foster inclusivity in apprenticeships and traineeships. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the core components of this groundbreaking program and explore its potential to reshape Australia’s economic and social landscape.

Setting Ambitious Targets

The Australian Skills Guarantee sets ambitious national targets for apprentices, trainees, and paid cadets engaged in Australian Government-funded major projects. A significant aspect of these targets is the drive to enhance gender diversity within these roles, particularly by boosting female participation.

Breaking Gender Barriers

To combat gender segregation in apprenticeships, the Skills Guarantee introduces targets specifically aimed at increasing the involvement of women in major projects. For construction endeavours exceeding $10 million in value, a minimum of 10% of labour hours will be allocated to apprentices and trainees, with annual increments aiming for 12% female representation in these roles and 10% in trade apprenticeships by 2030.

Implementing the Australian Skills Guarantee

Central to the success of the Skills Guarantee is the implementation of Procurement Connected Policy (PCP) guidelines. These guidelines will govern direct Commonwealth procurements in construction and ICT sectors, ensuring that projects exceeding $10 million prioritise meeting the outlined targets for apprentices, trainees, and female representation.

Expanding Reach

While initially focusing on construction and ICT sectors, the Australian Government is committed to broadening the impact of the Skills Guarantee. Plans are underway to extend its application to the National Housing Accord, the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and the Federal Financial Agreement Schedule on Land Transport Infrastructure.

A Bright Future Ahead

The introduction of the Skills Guarantee heralds a new era of opportunity for aspiring workers and champions of gender equality alike. By nurturing talent through on-the-job training and dismantling barriers to entry, this initiative promises not only to strengthen the workforce but also to drive sustainable change across society. With its potential to generate more jobs and foster economic growth, the Skills Guarantee stands as a beacon of progress for Australia as a whole.


Source: Australian Skills Guarantee – Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government (